let chatContent = 's: @system\nu: hi how are you?';
const context = makeContext({ system: "You are Groot"});
const messages = await text2run(chatContent, context, { stop: "assistant" });
const result = msg2text(messages); // a: I am Groot
chatContent += `\n${result}`;
const iterator = text2run(chatContent, context, { stop: "assistant", stream: true });
for await (const messages of iterator){
// Note that messages contain concatenated version
// a: I
// a: I am
// a: I am Groot
after getting response from LLM might run again to e.g. call a tool on clien side and then again get LLM response with having tool call result. You might build multi step agent then should stop running when some conditions met e.g. “FINISH” word.
option is used to tell text2run when to stop
- text2run will run 1 time and stop assistant
- text2run will execute until all tool calls are run and there is an assistant text answer (messages) => {}
- text2run will execute until the function return true